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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Ask Dr. Cyberpunk: with your host, Bruce Bethke • LAST CALL! NO KIDDING!

: this is the LAST CALL for FAQ questions. I wrote the story 45 years ago. I’m tired of talking about it.

If you have a question you’ve always wanted to ask me about my story, “Cyberpunk,” or the writing thereof, send it to Given that we want to have Cyberpunk and Cyberpunk Revisited ready to release in March 2025, I have set a hard deadline of Saturday, February 1st, 2025. After that date, any and all questions about “Cyberpunk” will receive the same reply: “Buy the book.” 

Sorry to have to say this, but only questions sent to the above email address will be considered. The spambots have discovered this site again, and for the past month we’ve been getting carpet-bombed with spam comments offering great deals on sketchy pharmaceuticals, cyberpunk-related fashion accessories, and inexplicably, Middle Eastern-sourced decorative tiles and paving blocks. Therefore we have had to switch to strict comment moderation and are now blocking all anonymous comments.

Who was it who said, 25 years ago, that the future of the World Wide Web was that it would eventually choke to death on its own excrement? Oh my gosh, that was me.


ONE MORE REMINDER: this is the LAST CALL for FAQ questions. If you have a question you’ve always wanted to ask me about my story, “Cyberpunk,” or the writing thereof, send it to Given that we want to have Cyberpunk and Cyberpunk Revisited ready to release in March 2025, I have set a hard deadline of Saturday, February 1st, 2025. After that date, any and all questions about “Cyberpunk” will receive the same reply: “Buy the book.”

And while you’re waiting for Cyberpunk and Cyberpunk Revisited, considering buying some of our other books, too, okay? At least, take a look at SS#23, and maybe read “Eddie’s Upgrade,” by Kevin Stadt. If you like cyberpunk fiction, you will love that story.  


  1. How does one get a copy of the story? (Hangs head in shame)

  2. Sorry, Pete. The story has been reprinted so far and wide, usually in bootleg reprints or unauthorized translations for which I never gave permission nor was never paid, that I sometimes forget that some people *haven't* read it.

    Here's a link to one of the few _authorized_ online reprints, on Keith Brooke's old Infinity Plus site.
