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Friday, July 3, 2020


In celebration of the upcoming release of Henry Vogel’s latest novel, Hart for Adventure, we’ve put his entire catalog on sale! For the next few days the Kindle versions of most of his books will be just $0.99 USD each, and a few selected titles will be absolutely free! Load up your Kindle with a whole summer’s reading at a great bargain price!

Since Hart for Adventure is a new standalone book set in Vogel’s Terran Scout Corps universe—not part of any series but sharing a common background with his other Scout novels—you’ll probably want to start by picking up these other books: 

: The bestselling book that started it all. If you like your heroes brave and true, your heroines smart and feisty, and your plots rushing along with all the cliffhanger-driven energy of an old Flash Gordon serial, you’ll love this series!  Read ’em in this order:

Scout’s Law - $0.99

After finishing the original series Vogel did a remarkable thing, in that he gave his original heroes a happy ending and let them keep it. But because he wasn’t close to being finished with telling stories in the Terran Scout Corps universe yet, he wrote another book I wanted to call Scout's Honor: The Next Generation, but he titled:

Same universe! New characters! New adventures!

“If you loved the first 4 books, this one is essential to make you happy. This is how you hand the torch off to new characters, while still maintaining what made the first books great adventures. A good mix of John Carter meets Flash Gordon, in my eyes.”

For his next three novels, Vogel then did a pivot and produced something completely different: the bestselling Fugitive Heir trilogy.

I never knew quite how to describe these books without going into too much detail, but then a reviewer hit the nail right on the head by calling it a romantic comedy road-trip adventure in space!

Of course, Captain Nancy Martin proved to be such an appealing supporting character that she got her own spinoff series. This artwork should be flipped left-to-right, because you should read The Counterfeit Captain first.

The Undercover Captain - $0.99 (sale price may still be percolating through Amazon’s system)

After The Undercover Captain, Vogel decided to try something really ambitious and produced the Recognition trilogy. These books got good reviews and even made the shortlist for a major award, but never sold as well as we’d expected. Is literary quality and mature storytelling overrated? Is it just that the very expensive original cover art doesn’t click? Read them and let us know what you think!

Which brings us at last to...

“The shades of Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson, James Schmitz and Andre Norton, Christopher Anvil and Keith Laumer must all be looking down approvingly on Henry Vogel’s THE LOST PLANET. Its two bright, engaging, and surprisingly tough protagonists, Glen and Elise, rollick across a palpably real galactic milieu stuffed with exotic aliens, nicely rendered worlds, and a suspenseful set of wartime maneuvers. Toss in a lighthearted love story and some cosmic mysteries regarding the forerunner race known as the Progenitors, and you have a space opera that will enchant, excite, and delight!”

—Paul Di Filippo

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