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Monday, July 20, 2020

Help Wanted

Through a technical oversight I wound up with a bunch of copies of THE LOST PLANET that I can’t sell because the margins are off-kilter and can’t return because it was our mistake that caused the margins to come out that way in the first place. Originally I was planning to donate them to the local high school, where a teacher I know is trying to build up a science fiction library, but then the schools shut down and we still don’t know if they’re going to reopen in the fall.

Ergo, here’s the deal. I have a bunch of (slightly irregular) trade paperback copies of THE LOST PLANET that I will be happy to give away to people who are willing to help us promote this book.

If you have a clever idea for how to promote this book, and the time, energy, and willingness to do so if you read it and find it worthy, drop me a line at and I will mail you a copy. Please include a few words about how you would like to promote it, as if we get more requests than we have books to give away, we’ll pick the most appealing ideas.

On a personal note, I’ve read a lot of science fiction, and I think this one is Vogel’s best novel yet. In some respects it reminds me of Heinlein’s Citizen of the Galaxy, but most of all it reminds me of everything I loved about Andre Norton’s novels and stories when I was a kid. If you’re one of those people who sighs, “They just don’t write ‘em like that anymore” — well, actually, writers still do, it’s just that the Big Five publishers don’t publish ‘em anymore. BUT WE DO!

Help us get the message out. Email me your pitch this week. We’ll make our decisions and start mailing out copies on Saturday.


P.S. Sorry, but this offer is for readers in the US only. The USPS has changed their rates again and sending trade paperbacks to the UK or Australia has become insanely expensive—which is disappointing, as Australia used to be one of our best markets.

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