SCOUT’S FIRST MISSION is out on Kindle and racking up sales and KENP page reads. Not outstanding numbers thus far, but it’s still early.
I really like this reader review: “M
We’re still having some issues with the cover art for the print edition. After a couple of rounds with KDP Support and their less-than-helpful automated replies, we finally got someone there to actually look at the cover. Lo and behold, their complaint is not (as the automated messages kept saying) that the text on the spine is too close to the top and bottom edges of the book, but that the entire spine is so thick that the spine art might wrap onto the front or back covers.
Shrug. Back to Photoshop. We’ll get this sorted out.
In the meantime, we have a pile of new Pete Wood Challenge stories in the queue, and they will begin rolling out tomorrow. Watch for them!
I say woo, good sir! Woo, indeed!