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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Assorted Reminders and Updates

STUPEFYING STORIES #21 goes out of print forever on Monday, November 1, which means you now have about 36 hours left in which to grab the free Kindle edition. Don’t miss your chance to get the collection that reviewer Hamilcar Barca described thusly: 

“All of the tales are well-structured and well-written. I was pleasantly surprised that none of the writers were "weak links", nor did any of the stories feel like they were "mailed in". Perhaps that merits a tip-of-the-hat to the editor, either for his selection of the writers or for demanding a certain level of quality in the entries.” 

Perhaps indeed.



I know, you’re thinking, “I can’t possibly in good conscience take a free e-book from a struggling small-press publisher. I want to throw some spare change in their tip jar or something.” Well, the good news is that while we don’t yet have a Patreon or GoFundMe account, we do have the “or something” part of it covered, in the form of the Support Stupefying Stories Fund, care of Rampant Loon Media LLC. All contributions sent to the Support Stupefying Stories Fund go directly towards paying the authors whose work you’re enjoying in our magazines and our virtual pages—literally, all donations go straight into the PayPal account from which we pay our contributors.

Support Stupefying Stories! 



“Hold on a minute!” I heard someone in the back say. “I’ve watched public television. I know how this works. Shouldn’t I get a coffee mug or a tote bag or something?” Well again, we aren’t quite to that point, but we do have a little something to sweeten the deal. If you donate now at the $7.50 level—it used to be the $5.00 level, but the USPS raised the media and printed bound material postage rates a few weeks ago, the bastards—you’ll receive a copy of REBEL MOON, signed by yours truly, as a token of our appreciation. Be sure to include your mailing address and any requests for personalized inscriptions in your donation note, and sorry, U.S. addresses only. The overseas postage rates are prohibitive.




“I don’t know,” I heard Phil say. (No, not you, the other Phil.) “Doesn’t that seem a little, well mercenary? After all, we are all artists here. Isn’t there some other way I can help out?”

I’m glad you asked! We are in fact looking for more people willing to help us in our mission to bring great fantastic fiction to new readers. In a generalized sense we are always looking for content creators who want to contribute articles and reviews to this web site, especially as it continues its evolution towards becoming the new & improved SHOWCASE, but in a specific sense we have a number of projects in development (e.g., RINN’S RUN) that would benefit greatly from having people on board who can a.) read, b.) think about what they’ve read, and c.) clearly express what they’re thinking about what they’ve read. 

Does this sound like you? Then line up, sign up, and—



1 comment:

  1. I can testify that a signed copy of Rebel Moon is more than worth your trouble. I’ve had mine for well over a decade, and I play with it all the time.
