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Monday, February 14, 2022

Status Update: 14 February 2022


Karen had a medical emergency on Tuesday, February 9th. Fortunately she was actually in the oncology clinic and hooked up for chemotherapy when it happened, so medical help was practically instantaneous. At 2pm she’d seemed to be fine. At 5pm she was on her way to the ER. It took them about 18 hours to stabilize her and then move her from the ER unit to the regular hospital, and she’s been in a hospital room ever since. She is much improved since last Tuesday and is supposed to be undergoing an invasive diagnostic procedure this morning, but as of the last time I checked, it hadn’t yet begun.

We’ve had worse Valentine’s Days, but not many.  

All of which is to say, if it seems like I haven’t been responding to email or IM since last Tuesday, that’s pretty close to correct. Thanks for your patience.

Bruce Bethke