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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

It's Class Reunion Time!


So I’m sitting in yet another hospital waiting room, reading the latest issue of ANALOG while Karen undergoes yet another outpatient diagnostic procedure, and what do I find in the “In Times To Come” teaser for the next issue but this:

“…the return of a cunning shape-shifter in Auston Habershaw’s ‘Proof of Concept’…”

It’s hard to describe how it feels to see the name of someone who got their start with Stupefying Stories on the cover or in the TOC for one of the major pro magazines, on the cover of a new novel, or on the shortlist for a major literary award. It’s a good feeling, but—

My parents were both teachers. They would have understood it. It feels great when you see that someone who you years ago believed had a lot of potential is now living up to that promise you saw in them, but at the same time, they never write, they never call, you never find out what they’re doing until after they’ve done it…

[Actually, as my dad would have said: “You only hear from them when they need bail money, or when they come up to you and say, ‘Coach, if the police ask I was here in the gym shooting hoops last Friday night between nine and ten o’clock, okay?’”]

I know that a lot of Stupefying Stories alums are doing great things now. For example, I know that Pete Wood just sold a 15,000-word novella to Asimov’s, just as I know that Eric Fomley just made his 50th short story sale (!) to Medusa Tales Magazine. But I only know these things by accident.

Come on, folks! If you have a Stupefying Stories connection and you have a success story, SHARE THE GOOD NEWS! Let us add our little bit of bandwidth to helping spread the good news about your success! Give us a chance to help boost your signal!

Frankly, I like to hear about your successes. It validates my decision to launch Stupefying Stories in the first place.

Bruce Bethke


  1. Got a biggie coming up, but can't announce currently, until they do.
    SERIOUS feather in my cap, though.

    Oh, and being in the same anthology as William F. Nolan and Richard Matheson ain't no small feat either. Rubbing shoulders with some serious talent in that book. If it ever actually comes out, I've only been waiting since 2017 ;-P

    That's called Automobilia, it's due out this month. Hopefully.

  2. Don't rub those shoulder too hard. Being dead, their arms might come off.

  3. Stupefying Stories was my first sale. I'd been writing for a while, but never sent much out. Seeing my work in print gave me the confidence to start submitting elsewhere.

    Now, I've got close to a hundred stories in print. From Analog, to Beneath Ceaseless Skies, to Strange Horizons; novels out from both Black Library and Legend of the Five Rings; and more on the way.

    Sometimes, I still sit back and shake my head. Just can't believe how fortunate I have been, and how grateful I am that Bruce took a chance on me.

  4. I made my first semi-pro sale to Stupefying Stories with "Father Pace" and sold a total of four stories to them between 2012 and 2016. Since then, I've had work appear in numerous publications and podcasts, including the Best of Apex Magazine, InterGalactic Medicine Show, Shock Totem, Asian Ghost Short Stories, and LeVar Burton Reads. Aurelia Leo published my first chapbook "Symphony of the Night" (illustrated by Luke Spooner) and JournalStone published my debut collection "Hollow Skulls and Other Stories." I appreciated all the markets that spent good money on my work, but you never forget your firsts.

  5. Different genre, but in large part to ~brb, I am a writer and I make a living writing and editing. I even got to share new voices with the world for a few years. Eternally grateful to ~brb, Karen, and the FC crew.

  6. Started writing in the "Writer's Group" with you, Phillip Jennings, [a woman I can't remember her name], and me; lost touch; started entering contests in THE RANTING ROOM...

    years later -- my 9th ANALOG story will be out in either the September/October or November/December issue; just sold a piece of flash to Science Fiction Stories (last night...) Had science fiction in CRICKET: The Magazine for Children; Scottish SF magazine SHORELINE OF INFINITY (republished in a special conference edition); British podcast at CAST OF WONDERS (twice!); five stories in the vanished PERIHELION; several essays up at STUPIFYING STORIES and in the premier issue of the SS line of print anthologies; plus a collection of SIMPLE SCIENCE SERMONS FOR BIG AND LITTLE KIDS (that is still in print!); and the themed anthology AETHER AGE...

    So, there you go! Lots of writing egged on, guided, and critiqued by Bruce, THE RANTING ROOM gang, and the people who read and comment here on STUPEFYING STORIES!

