Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Week in Review • 14 July 2024

Welcome to The Week in Review, our weekly wrap-up for those too busy to follow Stupefying Stories on a daily basis. Before we get to what’s new this week, we’d like to direct you to two reminders.

The Year in Review (so far)

Two weeks ago we published The Year in Review (so far), a high-level overview of everything we’ve done thus far this year. Book releases; audio book releases; and links to more than one hundred short stories. Check it out!

The Odin Chronicles: The Complete Episode Guide

If you haven’t been following The Odin Chronicles, our shared-world multi-author serial, here’s the place to start: with a high-level overview of the world of Odin III and synopses of all the story threads thus far. Find out what you’ve been missing!



And now, picking up from where we left off with the July 7th Week in Review, this week we published: 

“Nature Called” • by Joe Giordano

Sitting on rocks and singing is so BCE. Of course we’ve kept up with the times.


The Odin Chronicles: Episode 42
“The Same Bratwurst Every Day” • by Carol Scheina

Hans was stuck in a time loop. Again. This time he actually found it relaxing: no surprises meant no stress. There was just one problem he couldn’t seem to solve…

The Never-ending FAQ:
calling all Friends of Stupefying Stories

Oh boy, did we have a lot of questions to answer this week! Read this one if only to learn about F.O.S.S., the new Friends of Stupefying Stories section in our online bookshop.

“Then Beggars Would Ride” • by Fred Waiss

Irwin wasn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the chandelier, as his mule knew only too well.

“Familial Fragments” • by Arnoldo Millán Zubia

The dolls were a set. Never break up a set.


The Odin Chronicles: Episode 43
“More Than Just Ore” • by Gustavo Bondoni

Duncan Strasser had been behaving strangely ever since that incident in the bamboo forest in Episode 34. Forced to work alone with him deep in the mines, Father Maria began to discover just how strange he’d become.