Friday, April 12, 2013

The Slush Pile Survival Guide

"The Story Arc: Without One, Your Roof Caves In" by Barbara V. EversMAPC, FSPRC As a first reader for Stupefying Stories, I recommend rejecting more submissions because of incomplete story arc than any other element of writing. What is a story arc? Think of it as representing the plot of your story. It’s the structure into which the characters, world, and action of the story must fit. Most stories follow the traditional three-act structure:...

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Slush Pile Survival Guide

"Things Change" by Bruce Bethke, Editor Why bother reading submission guidelines? After all, you know your story inside and out, and you also know everything worthwhile there is to know about the magazine to which you plan to submit it. (Or at least, you read a paragraph or two about the magazine, on someone else's blog, about a year ago.) Why waste your time looking at submission guidelines now? Short answer: because in the publishing business,...