Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Book Release: THEIAN JOURNAL #1

From the creators of Stupefying Stories comes our new sister publication, THEIAN JOURNAL. It’s a bit unearthly—a bit alternative—these are decidedly different from our usual selection of SF/F stories, reflecting an entirely different editorial philosophy, yet brought to you with our same dedication to finding excellent stories by writers you may not have read before....

Saturday, October 31, 2015


When we launched the e-book version of Stupefying Stories, we included a “three years and out” self-destruct clause in the contract. Four years later that self-destruct clause continues to work as designed, so this is your LAST CHANCE to buy these vintage 2012 issues at special closeout prices before they go out of print, never to be re-released again. STUPEFYING...

Hungry for something to read tonight?

Might we suggest you consider SHOWCASE, our free companion webzine. On the menu this evening: "The Beast," by J. L. Phoenix October, what a month. People in this world are so fascinated with their “holidays” that they set aside any remaining good sense and judgment they have to allow for fun and festivities. Fools. They make the tasks of the underworld disgustingly...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


“My God, they’re everywhere!” From the creators of STUPEFYING STORIES comes an exciting new anthology series: PUTREFYING STORIES! Sixty-four pages of pulse-pounding, shuffling, moaning, brain-munching zombie action! Issue #1 features: • FRUITING BODIES, by Eric Landreneau • DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL, by Julie Frost • FROM COLORADO, by Rose Blackthorn • TWO ZOMBIES WALK INTO...

Saturday, October 24, 2015


"...the best of the trilogy. KUDOS!" Years ago, Terran Scout David Rice crash-landed on the lost colony world of Aashla, where he rescued and fell in love with the beautiful Princess Callan. Pledging his life and sword to Callan and his adopted home world, David thought he'd never see another Terran again—until the night the sky was lit by weapons fire, as another starship...

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

“Muse Bovine” • by Terry Faust

Members of the Tri-City Literary Writers Group sipped green tea and waited in the farmhouse’s spacious kitchen. They’d been together for five years and recently switched their meeting location from a coffee shop to this rural dairy farm, after reading a newspaper article. This was their third meeting and they were excited. Seen through the large windows over the twin...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

“StandBy from Quastroc” • by Katrina Johnston

From Pop Access Control, Pioneering, Quastroc Settlement, Subsect 12. Gestay success: Viable obtained at Quastroc. StandBy.... Settlement proclaims viab. Celebrate, merriment. Continue.... Seven day-units prev, Quastroc. Noted. Succ extract from materna cavity. Out-settler broadcast infoco conf single viab dubbed “Samdie762.” Breath. Mid-W healer plus obstric attend. Aid...

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

“Shapes of Power” • by Lance J. Mushung

Zantoinell reclined in her bath pool, enjoying total contentment. The hot salt water was divine, and so was being the Supreme One of the Zarkindell Realm. A viewer overhead chirped and displayed the name Zixdell, her principal advisor. Total irritation replaced total contentment. Her eight feelers, which had been floating relaxed like seaweed on a calm ocean, went rigid,...

Monday, May 18, 2015

“This Old Mare” • by Molly N. Moss

“Somebody probably though they were funny, calling this dump a sea.” Bentley and Nguyen were surrounded by salt-laced sand. They stood in an ancient seabed of a moon orbiting a gas giant, the red-and-orange planet dominating the dark sky. “It’s tradition.” Nguyen shrugged in her bulky envirosuit. “Mare Tranquillitatis on the Moon, Mare Erythraeum on Mars…” “This old mare...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

“The Insufferable Triteness of Beings” • by Christopher Allenby

The open doorway to the Jade Tortoise Room loomed before me, and I wanted to be anywhere but here. A State Security checkpoint was set up immediately to the left of the doorway, so I presented my passport for the third time since registering at the hotel desk the previous evening. Inside, a huge banner on the wall behind the small elevated stage proclaimed what everyone...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

“A Tradition is a Tradition” • by Laura Davy

It was the city’s tradition to put up a memorial wherever a hero died. It was an even bigger tradition to have the owner of the land pay for the memorial. But the biggest tradition was to talk about the traditions. Dotting the landscape were bronze statues of superheroes who had died fighting evil robots, plaques for firefighters who had heart attacks while rescuing kittens...

Friday, May 15, 2015

“We Do Not Speak of the Not Speaking” • by David Steffen

 When Cassie stepped out of the general store, she saw a horseman galloping into town like he had the devil on his heels. “Now who do you suppose that is?” she asked. Jake stopped his rocking chair, but said nothing. “His business must be something mighty vital, to be carrying on like that.” The young man sawed at the reins and pulled his horse to a halt in front of...