Monday, November 28, 2016

Book Release: Scout's Law, by Henry Vogel

After two thousand years of isolation, the lost colony world of Aashla has reestablished contact with the rest of galactic civilization. Princess Callan of Mordan, and her royal consort, Terran Scout David Rice, were the people who made that happen. Now, they lead the mission to ensure that Aashla's unique culture is not overwhelmed by the galaxy-spanning Terran Federation. But...

Book Release: THE SCOUT TRILOGY, by Henry Vogel

Return to a future...  Of bold galactic explorers and lost space colonies, where beautiful heroines and brave heroes battle treacherous villains with swords and airships! Return to a future...  Of planetary romance and high adventure, where action moves at the speed of light and danger lurks around every corner! Return to the future... of The Scout Trilogy!  Here,...

Friday, August 12, 2016

“The Real Reason Mrs. Sprague Came by Her House So Cheaply” • by Karin Terebessy

Mrs. Sprague paused in front of the china cabinet when she heard a thunk. “What was that?” she called into the parlor. “Boys?” “Nothing, Mrs. Sprague,” they sang back in unison. Mrs. Sprague let out a tense breath and headed toward the noise when a knock on the kitchen door forced her to pivot on her heels. She opened the door a crack. “Yes?” On the doorstep, a white-haired...

Friday, August 5, 2016

Book Release: THE FUGITIVE PAIR, by Henry Vogel

Matt Connaught wants nothing more than to enjoy life with his new wife, Michelle, and to catch up on lost time with his parents, who were held captive for seven years. As a member of one of the wealthiest families in the Terran Federation, this should be easy. It's not. Because Matt is psychic. If anyone outside of his family discovers his secret, he'll be taken from his...

Book Release: STUPEFYING STORIES 1.15 (August 2016)

Stupefying Stories emerges from long-term cryosleep with a great new lineup of science fiction, fantasy, political comedy and horror! (There is a difference between those last two. Trust us.) Featuring:• MAKING MONSTERS, by Sarah Read• AT WORK IN THE FIELDS OF THE LORD, by Edoardo Albert• PLEASE PASS THE PURVIEW, by Conor Powers-Smith• DESTROYER OF WORLDS, by Evan Dicken•...

Book Release: THE COUNTERFEIT CAPTAIN (Audio Book)

Just released on Amazon,, and in the Apple iTunes store! THE COUNTERFEIT CAPTAIN by Henry Vogel (Unabridged audio book  edition) Narrated by Heidi Cox, best known for her work both in front of and behind the camera in the hit web series, Stalking LeVar, The Counterfeit Captain is nearly six hours of exciting old-school space opera at its finest. Listen...

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: "No Accounting for Taste" by Lance J. Mushung I sat on a bench on one side of the small, battleship-gray drop bay of my patrol cutter, Oliveria. The last month and a half of the patrol had been mind-numbing, but taking a ship of wasters into custody would soon make it all worthwhile. the rest....

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Book Release: THE COUNTERFEIT CAPTAIN, by Henry Vogel

Captain Nancy Martin expects a lonely death. Passing out as her battle-damaged starfighter bleeds the last of its air, she comes to in the cavernous and deserted docking bay of an unknown starship. Leaving her crippled fighter to seek help, she finds she’s been been scooped up by a gigantic generation ship inhabited by the descendants of the original crew and passengers—people...

Friday, April 22, 2016

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: “The Music of Difference” by E. M. Byrne plus, from the vault Fiction: “Earth Day” by J. M. Perkins &nbs...

Thursday, April 21, 2016

“Mood Skin” • by Karin Terebessy

 Colin had a white birthmark on his blonde hair and one on his blonde lashes. Blindingly white and full of bones, he looked more like a towering birch than a teenage boy. “You want to know how white I am?” He whispered over the book stacks. Ari glanced at the librarian, then followed Colin’s eyes under the table. He pulled up his pant leg, exposing a white shin, with...

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: “Mood Skin” by Karin Terebes...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: “Invasive Species” by Steve Quinn...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: "Plum, Rose, and a Hint of Musk" by Mark Rooky...

Friday, April 1, 2016

Stupefying Stories is currently closed to unsolicited submissions

After a great deal of debate, we have decided NOT to reopen to unsolicited submissions at this time. We underpublished in 2015, which means we're overstocked right now, and we've decided to take care of all the authors and stories already under contract before we begin to consider new submissions. Thank you, Bruce Bethke Stupefying Stories | Rampant Loon Media ...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Book Release: THE FUGITIVE HEIR, by Henry Vogel

“My parents are not dead!” Everyone thinks I’m in denial, and have been ever since my parents vanished seven years ago. Everyone thinks I should just shut up, and accept the vast inheritance coming my way. Everyone thinks I should let it go, and get on with my life. Everyone is wrong. I know my parents are still alive—but if I reveal how I know, I’ll be drafted into...