Friday, April 22, 2016

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: “The Music of Difference” by E. M. Byrne plus, from the vault Fiction: “Earth Day” by J. M. Perkins &nbs...

Thursday, April 21, 2016

“Mood Skin” • by Karin Terebessy

 Colin had a white birthmark on his blonde hair and one on his blonde lashes. Blindingly white and full of bones, he looked more like a towering birch than a teenage boy. “You want to know how white I am?” He whispered over the book stacks. Ari glanced at the librarian, then followed Colin’s eyes under the table. He pulled up his pant leg, exposing a white shin, with...

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: “Mood Skin” by Karin Terebes...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: “Invasive Species” by Steve Quinn...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

This morning on SHOWCASE

Fiction: "Plum, Rose, and a Hint of Musk" by Mark Rooky...

Friday, April 1, 2016

Stupefying Stories is currently closed to unsolicited submissions

After a great deal of debate, we have decided NOT to reopen to unsolicited submissions at this time. We underpublished in 2015, which means we're overstocked right now, and we've decided to take care of all the authors and stories already under contract before we begin to consider new submissions. Thank you, Bruce Bethke Stupefying Stories | Rampant Loon Media ...