Monday, November 28, 2016

Book Release: Scout's Law, by Henry Vogel

After two thousand years of isolation, the lost colony world of Aashla has reestablished contact with the rest of galactic civilization. Princess Callan of Mordan, and her royal consort, Terran Scout David Rice, were the people who made that happen. Now, they lead the mission to ensure that Aashla's unique culture is not overwhelmed by the galaxy-spanning Terran Federation. But...

Book Release: THE SCOUT TRILOGY, by Henry Vogel

Return to a future...  Of bold galactic explorers and lost space colonies, where beautiful heroines and brave heroes battle treacherous villains with swords and airships! Return to a future...  Of planetary romance and high adventure, where action moves at the speed of light and danger lurks around every corner! Return to the future... of The Scout Trilogy!  Here,...