Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Status Update

Meanwhile, in the offices of Stupefying Stories... Just a few quick notes here to let you know what’s going on. First and foremost, STUPEFYING STORIES #21 releases this coming Friday, August 3. We’re still undecided as to whether we’re going to launch it with another Free e-Book Friday, but we’re leaning in the direction of doing so. Stay tuned for more details. Next,...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Talking Shop

Op-ed: “The Whole Alternate History Thing” • by Bruce Bethke The temptation when writing alternate history is to assume that your one chosen detail of history has changed, but everything else—and everyone else—has remained roughly the same. Yes, in your timeline Lincoln lost the 1864 election and as a result the Union settled for a negotiated peace with the Confederacy—but...

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Talking Shop

Status Update: Some Lessons from the Slush Pile In the slightly more than three months since we reopened to unsolicited submissions, we’ve received nearly 600 stories. We do log and track every submission received, and we do generate stats and look for trends. Our submission guidelines and reviewing processes are not everlasting and unchanging: we will be refining them...

Friday, July 13, 2018

Talking Shop

Op-ed • "5 Tips for Writing a Fantasy Series as an Organic Writer," By Eric Dontigney •                                                                                ...