Saturday, September 29, 2018

Status Update

To every writer with an acceptance from us and waiting for a contract: this was supposed to be The Week of Getting All Outstanding Contracts in Order, but ended up being The Week of What the @#$(&* Did Adobe Change This Time? (With Adobe Customer Support exhibiting its usual cryptid-like behavior, as always.) As of about a half-hour ago our e-contract system seems to be working again, though, so we should be all caught up on contracts...

Monday, September 24, 2018

Book Release: THE MATT & MICHELLE Trilogy

Now available for your binge-reading pleasure! Henry Vogel’s bestselling Matt & Michelle trilogy! Book 1: The Fugitive Heir - Buy it now! Book 2: The Fugitive Pair - Buy it now! Book 3: The Fugitive Snare - Buy it now! Action! Adventure! Romance! In Spaaaaaace!...

Saturday, September 15, 2018

SHOWCASE: “Ann’s Golem,” by Clive Tern

The idea of a golem was Reynold’s. He knew a few families in Golders Green who used them. It made things like shopping so much easier, especially since the Russians started dropping their little exploding machines. The way the tiny automatons walked about, seeking a target, was terrifying. Knitting the golem was Ann’s idea. “But they’re made from clay,” Reynold protested....

Saturday, September 8, 2018

SHOWCASE: “Korba’s Revenge,” by Preston Dennett

Though he was far from the arena, Korba could already hear the sounds of the festival: the piercing shouts of the hawkers, the hiss and clunk of the machines, the chatter of the crowd as everyone speculated about who would win the battle of the beasts. The leather straps dug into his shoulders while behind him his wagon squeaked, heavy with the weight of his creation, his...

Saturday, September 1, 2018

SHOWCASE: “Amenities,” by Susan Taitel

Piper never could say how she found her apartment. She’d been on her way to see a room a little over her budget and further from campus than she was hoping for. Nevertheless, she couldn’t bear another year in the dorm, with its industrial lighting and slimy communal showers. The ad promised quiet housemates and a semi-private bath. The room turned out to be considerably...