Monday, March 30, 2020

40 Hours Left!

Just a quick reminder that you have less than two days left in which to take advantage of our 99-cent sale on Henry Vogel’s Scout novel series— Or to get Stupefying Stories issues #16 and #17 absolutely free, before they go out of print forever at midnight on March 31st. #16 -  #17...

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Advice for Writers: Three Movies

As we transition from normal life to cowering in terror and hiding indoors mode, Friday dinner-and-a-movie night has transitioned from “What’s playing at the local twenty-screen cineplex?” to “What’s streaming on Netflix or Amazon Prime that we haven’t watched a dozen times already?” Two weeks ago, when this change in lifestyle really began, my wife had already chosen the...

Friday, March 27, 2020

Free e-books! Who can resist free e-books?

All good things must come to an end, or in the case of these two books, reach the end of contract life and go out of print. Ergo, from right now until midnight on Tuesday, March 31st, we are giving away the Kindle editions of Stupefying Stories #16 and #17 free for the cost of a click. But get ‘em now, because come Wednesday morning, they’re gone forever.  CONTENTS:...

99-cent Sale Extended

As more people fall under mandatory stay-at-home orders, we’ve decided to extendethe 99¢ sale on the first four Scout books. Get a planet full of adventure for a total of $3.96!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Rampant Loon Press is delighted to announce the release of the fifth novel in Henry Vogel’s best-selling Scout series, SCOUT'S TRAINING. The story thus far: “Lieutenant Chris Marlow and airship pilot Jade Cochran believe they know their future—work, marriage, and a family. They joined Dr. Agrilla’s annual medical mission as a break from their routine... “Then a raider...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

SHOWCASE #1: Why did you...? Buy it now! A paltry $0.99 USD! Free for Kindle Unlimited Subscribers! Okay, the book has been out for a few days now; long enough for email to begin trickling in, asking the usual, “Why on earth did you pick that story?” questions. Interestingly, though, thus far there is no strong consensus as to which story is that story. So...

Monday, March 2, 2020

SHOWCASE #1: Afterthoughts Buy it now! Only $0.99 USD! Free for Kindle Unlimited Subscribers! Now that the first issue has made it out the door without leaving too much wreckage in its wake, it's time to pause a moment and reflect on lessons learned. First off, if you're disappointed because you missed the free ebook on release day: don't worry. There's another...