Saturday, May 23, 2020

Stupefying Stories Lives!

I say this because it seems Duotrope has pronounced us dead again. This doesn’t bother me a great deal: the people who follow Duotrope don’t appear to be folks who actually buy and read fiction, but rather mostly writers seeking editors who will read and buy their fiction. So to be very clear on this point right up front: we are not reading unsolicited submissions at this...

Friday, May 1, 2020

Stupefying Stories is currently closed to unsolicited submissions

Just a reminder that we are not reading unsolicited submissions right now, as we’re still tidying up loose ends from our 2019 open reading period. That, and we’re working to get new book production restarted, as that is why we exist: to publish new fiction in new books. Much as we’d love to teach creative writing, that’s not what we do—at the present time. If there’s sufficient interest, that may change. In the meantime, if you’re hoping to sell...