Thursday, February 2, 2023

Updating contact info again

Because this old post from 7/12/2021 keeps bubbling back to the top, it's necessary to update the update. In 2022 our ISP unilaterally decided to move all our email accounts to Microsoft Exchange, which had the unintended consequence of rendering all our @rampantloonmedia email accounts unreliable at best and also accidentally erased several thousand archived email messages. Going forward our preferred email address is Email sent to the old submissions@rampantloonmedia or brb@rampantloonmedia email addresses may get through, but all other @rampantloonmedia email accounts should be presumed to be defunct.

The Facebook and Twitter links remain viable. No, I am not going to add a TikTok account.


Some weird things have been popping up in the various RLP mailboxes lately, so this seems like an opportune time to update our contact info.

Submissions and queries about submissions:
     (although we’re not open to new unsolicited submissions right now)

Feedback not related directly to a specific submission:

Queries about novella- or longer-length submissions:
     (although we’re not looking at taking on any new long-format projects right now)

Contact me directly:
     (although I reserve the right to lock this account down if it gets spam-bombed
     into rubble again, like my last publicized “direct” email address did) 

Stupefying Stories on Facebook:

Bruce Bethke on Facebook:
     (see above comment about my direct email address)

Stupefying Stories on Twitter:
     » | @StupefyingSF
     (follow us on Twitter and we’ll follow you)

Along with giving up on my long-standing resistance to Twitter, I’ve also given up on my long-standing resistance to having a tip jar. If you support what we’re doing here but already have all the books and magazines you’ll ever be able to read in this life, please consider throwing a buck or two in the tip jar to show your appreciation and help to support our mission.

Thank you,

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~brb said...

Memo to self: as I fish up old content and consolidate the SHOWCASE archives on this site, remember to resize the key graphic to a 4x3 aspect ratio. Otherwise the images look really funny in the main page thumbnails.