Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Coming Attractions • Status Update • Help Wanted

Just a few quick notes as to what’s going on around here. First off, Tales from the Brahma continues tomorrow with Episode 3, “Nuclear Family,” by Gustavo Bondoni, who is rapidly becoming one of our favorite contributors. Look for it to go live at 0700 CDT, tomorrow.

Following that, our Saturday SHOWCASE schedule is filling up and we’re already booking stories out into April. For this coming Saturday, award-winning author Scott Huggins returns to our virtual pages for the first time in years with “On the Menu Stains of Madness,” an eldritch tale of horror beyond the bounds of human comprehension. You may think you know the French Quarter, but do you dare to enter the most hideous seafood restaurant in all of New Orleans? Getting in the front door is the easy part. Getting out again, alive and with both your soul and your stomach intact… That’s the challenge.

Meanwhile, I’m pleased to report that our crowd-funding campaign is going better than I’d hoped. I’ve been told I should put some kind of graphic widget on the front page to show how it’s going, and as soon as I find a suitable widget I will, but until then you’ll have to live with text. It is my pleasure to report that we’re already 62% of the way to our March goal, which is to raise $500 by the end of the month, and 10% of the way to our April goal, which is to sign up 50 new subscribers by the end of the April. Unfortunately, Amazon has just announced that they’re shutting down Kindle Newsstand and pushing publishers to enroll their publications in either Prime Reading or Kindle Unlimited, so we may need to rethink this idea. Putting Stupefying Stories on Kindle Unlimited was a painful learning experience I’m not eager to repeat. 

Finally, more than a few people have suggested that we consider fund-raising through Patreon. I’d not given that option much consideration because Patreon seems to put a lot of emphasis on giving patrons restricted access to exclusive content, which seems to fly in the face of our mission to make content widely available. But if anyone here has some actual experience with Patreon that they’re willing to share, I’m always willing to listen and learn. 


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