Friday, June 30, 2023

An update to the update

A few more people have asked, “What call for submissions?”

It went out a few weeks ago, first to our followers on social media and then to the writers on the Pete Wood Challenge mailing list. Whittling it down to the nub:

WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR: Sixty-two previously unpublished flash fiction to short-short SF/F stories, 1,000 words in length or less, specifically for publication on the Stupefying Stories website, to begin on July 1st, 2023, and run through the end of August.

WHAT I’M PAYING: A flat fee of $15 USD per story, if accepted.

WHAT ABOUT REPRINTS? This one time only I will consider running reprints of previously published stories. For these I will pay a flat fee of $5 USD, if accepted.

HOW TO SUBMIT: Send your stories to


BIG DAMN NOTE! As of right now our publishing calendar for July and August is just about full. If you send me a story now it’s going to have to be pretty awesomely incredibly amazing to be accepted. I already have all the horror and under-250-word flash fiction I need, thank you, and will NOT be accepting more stories beyond the 62 stated with the idea of holding onto them and running them “later.” Doing that has always come around to sink it’s needle-sharp fangs into my @$$, so I won’t do it anymore.

Instead, throughout July we’ll be watching our readership metrics with sharply focused attention, and if it looks like this experiment is producing the results we’re hoping for, we will have our next open submissions window in early August, for publication on the website beginning in September. Expect our submissions criteria to change, as we continue to refine what we’re doing, but this is your heads-up to expect that another open window will be coming.


If you like the stories we’re publishing, subscribe today. We do Stupefying Stories out of pure love for genre fiction, but in publishing as in tennis, love means nothing. To keep Stupefying Stories going at this level we need to raise at least $500 USD monthly, and rather than doing so with pledge breaks or crowd-funding campaigns, we’d rather have subscribers. If just 100 people commit to just $5 monthly, we can keep going at this level indefinitely. If we raise more, we will pay our authors more.

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