Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Never-ending FAQ: One more thing…

One more thing: lest you doubt our commitment to continuing with SHOWCASE and Stupefying Stories, please note that we have just launched Season 2 of THE ODIN CHRONICLES. We are committed to running 30 episodes this season; we already have about 20 episodes in the queue and are waiting for Pete Wood and his crew to deliver the rest. The current plan is run new episodes every Saturday and Tuesday, which will take us into mid-September. If our Tuesday readership remains as soft as it historically has been, though, we’ll go to a Saturday-only schedule, which will stretch it out through November.

If you haven’t been following THE ODIN CHRONICLES, you can find every episode at this link. (Sorry, the list sorts in LIFO order. “Create a proper Netflix-like episode guide” has been on our to-do list for some time, but not on the “urgently” sub-list.) We also have a print book and an audio book/podcast version in the works: the first 30 episodes are already recorded and almost ready for release. You can sample the first episode of the audio version on YouTube:


We made another strategic mistake with the audio version, though, in that we produced it as individual episodes, rather than as a unified Audible-style audio book. At the time we were thinking of branching out into Stupefying Stories: The Podcast. That turned out to be a serious mistake. Given my background in television production and audio engineering, and my absolute love of fiddling for hours in the recording studio, the podcast idea really played to my tendency to produce—well, things like this, for example. 

While we continue to work on figuring out the best way to release the audio version of Season One—and the audio version of Dawn of Time, that one is fully recorded and waiting to be released, too—please remember that first two episodes of Season Two, “Lost and Found,” by Pete Wood, and “The Song of Her Heart,” by Matt Krizan, are already live on Stupefying Stories, and the next episode, “An Infestation in the Mines,” by Carol Scheina, goes live this coming Saturday. If you support this experiment in collaborative story-telling, READ THESE STORIES!

And if you like what you’re reading here, remember: likes and hearts are nice, but shares and retweets boost the signal.

Thank you.

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Pete Wood said...

There are some really good stories coming for season 2. And, they're short. You can knock out an Odin story in five to ten minutes. What better use could there possibly be for your time?