Friday, November 29, 2013


For the latest news, latest download links, and best of all, FREE STORIES, check out our companion webzine, STUPEFYING STORIES SHOWCASE, ready to read now at this link: This week featuring: “Special Delivery,” by Peter Wood “The Cubes,” by Taylor Vaughan  “Rheum,” by Parker Lee “Caveat Emptor,” by Steve Coate Junk Food Cinema, by Badger & Vole 2013: The Year in Pre-Review, by Bruce Bethk...

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Sometimes a project is released, and other times, it escapes. This one is definitely more of an "escape," and deserving of front-page top-of-the-fold coverage. Ergo, imagine Paul Winchell reading: SHOWCASE #11 ESCAPES!  READ ALL ABOUT IT...

Saturday, November 16, 2013


For the latest news, latest download links, and best of all, FREE STORIES, check out our companion webzine, STUPEFYING STORIES SHOWCASE, ready to read now at this link: This week featuring: “An Indelible Feast,” by Alex Shvartsman “Stanhope's Finest,” by Natalie J E Potts “Allegory at Table Seven,” by Jarod K. Anderson Plus Badger & Vole Review “Thor: The Dark World,” and we preview...

Friday, November 8, 2013


For the latest news, latest download links, and best of all, FREE STORIES, check out our companion webzine, STUPEFYING STORIES SHOWCASE, ready to read now at this link: This week featuring: “Jackie, We Hardly Knew Ye,” by Carly Berg “Tempora Mutantur,” by Anatoly Belilovsky “White,” by Jennifer Davis “Happily Ever After,” by Edward Ahern “Lessons Learned From My Fifth Attempt to Conquer...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Book Release: TWO, The 2nd Annual Horror Special

STUPEFYING STORIES is thrilled (and more than just a little relieved) to announce the release of: TWO is one of the biggest and best collections of horror stories we've ever assembled, containing sixteen fresh and exciting new tales of ghosties and ghoulies, vampires and zombies, monsters and mayhem, and things that go bump in the night! Edited by Philip K. Dick Award-winner...