Tuesday, April 18, 2023

“Open the Deck-7 Airlock!” • by Jason Burnham

Domiciliary Deck-7 had powered down its daylights for the station’s simulated evening. Pam was watching a favorite movie when something knocked at her starboard viewport.

The viewport abutted the vacuum of space—she must have been hearing things.

The knock came again.

“Pam! I know you’re in there.”

She didn’t recognize the tinny voice coming from the person with their spacesuit helmet pressed against her viewport.

“It’s Dave! Let me in!”

She’d never known a Dave. Thanks to the movie she’d been watching, she blurted the first thing that came to mind.

“I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

Dave had never heard of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

“What are you talking about?” cried Dave. “I’m dying! Open the Deck-7 airlock for me!”

A security bot appeared suddenly and disintegrated “Dave” with a laser. Burned tentacles erupted from the spacesuit.

Pam decided she’d watched enough creepy movies for the night and went to bed.



Jason P. Burnham loves to spend time with his wife, children, and dog. Find him on Twitter at @AndGalen.

This week’s Pete Wood Challenge was to write a 150-word or less story that includes the line, “[character] had never heard of [name of a movie].” To see the previous winners of previous challenges, click this link

“Do you miss Firefly? Do you like The Expanse? If so, then Privateers of Mars is exactly what you need. [...] Structured as three loosely interconnected short stories, it reads like three episodes of a great science fiction show that you wish someone would make.”

—Amazon reader review