Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Stupefying Stories 26 is now CLOSED to submissions

The October issue, STUPEFYING STORIES 26, is now CLOSED to unsolicited submissions.

Many thanks to everyone who submitted a story for this one. Even after we decided we were seeing so many good stories we had to increase the size of the book, we still ended up with far more good stories than we could use. Submissions continue to come in, therefore we are calling a hard cutoff. As of right now, #26 is full. We are no longer considering new unsolicited submissions for the October issue. Acceptances and not-acceptances will be sent out this afternoon.

We are still reading for issues #27 and #28, and of course always looking for more good flash fiction for SHOWCASE, but #26 is full.

It’s going to be a great book! Thank you for making it possible!

—Bruce Bethke
Editor, Stupefying Stories