“Christmas Collections” • by Matt Krizan

After naughty and nice, Santa had a third list. When coal and presents filled the stockings of the first two, Santa paid a visit to those on the third.

“Oh God, no!” cried Stanley Richards as two elves dangled the balding stockbroker from his roof.

“You knew the deal,” said Santa. “I get my twenty percent or—”

“Please!” Stanley pleaded before the elves could let go. “I’ll pay you, I swear—double!”

“Double, eh?” Santa nodded, and the elves dumped Stanley on the roof. “You’d better watch out. Won’t be no discussion next time.”

They left him there and returned to the sleigh.

“Who’s next, boss?” said one of the elves.

“Grandma Scarpetti,” said Santa. “I’m done with the old biddy. Time to put Rudolph on her.”

Matt Krizan is a former certified public accountant who writes from his home in Royal Oak, Michigan. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in various publications, including Daily Science Fiction and Dark Moments. Find him online at mattkrizan.com and on Twitter as @MattKrizan.



~brb said...

Ah. So that's how Santa funds his operations!