Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Week in Review • 4 August 2024

Welcome to The Week in Review, our Sunday wrap-up for those too busy to follow Stupefying Stories on a daily basis. Before we get to the latest news, we’d like to direct you to three four, four reminders.

The Year in Review (so far)

Five weeks ago we published The Year in Review (so far), a high-level overview of everything we’ve done thus far this year. Book releases; audio book releases; and links to more than one hundred short stories. Check it out!

The Odin Chronicles: The Complete Episode Guide

If you haven’t been following The Odin Chronicles, our shared-world multi-author serial, here’s the place to start: with a high-level overview of the world of Odin III and synopses of all the story threads thus far. Find out what you’ve been missing!

Calling all Friends of Stupefying Stories

In the July 10th Never-Ending FAQ we announced the F.O.S.S.—the new Friends of Stupefying Stories section we’ve added to our online bookshop. This went live on July 31st, but it’s an evolving feature. If you have an indie- or self-published book you’d like to promote, let us know about it! The next update to the list goes out at the end of August.

TOP 10: The 2024 Best of Stupefying Stories Showcase (so far)

Out of curiosity, I decided to see which stories drew the most readers. This wasn’t meant to be a competition but seems to be turning into one anyway. Should we actually make this a proper contest, with awards and all that? What do you think?


And now, picking up from where we left off with the July 28th Week in Review, here’s what we’ve been up to lately.

“Sir Gregory and Sir Robert,” by Kai Delmas

They were the greatest of warriors, but there was one foe even their combined strength and skills could not defeat.

Published: 7/29/24

The Odin Chronicles: Episode 48
“Night Walk,” by Eric Fomley

There’s an old gag about the world’s shortest horror story: “The last man on Earth heard footsteps behind him.” Out for a walk alone late at night, Shelley finds it’s not funny at all.

Published: 7/30/24

The Never-ending FAQ:
Introducing the F.O.S.S. List

Here are links to 15 books by authors we know, whose work we recommend, even though we’re not making any money off them. What, an altruistic publisher? What’s wrong with us?

Published: 7/31/24

“The Worm’s Twist, by Sam W. Pisciotta

“Madam President? We have a problem.”

Published: 8/1/24

“As You Wish,” by R. M. Linning

“…and for my third wish, I want a hundred more wishes.” The djinn merely nodded. Nelson was incredulous. “I can do that?”

Published: 8/2/24

The Odin Chronicles: Episode 49
“The Show Must Go On,” by Gustavo Bondoni

Ingrid, the overworked owner of Weber’s Place who never gets a night off, finally figures out the secret of how to be in two places at the same time.

Published: 8/3/24  



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