“Watch Over Me” • by Addison Smith

The memory chip snapped into place in the metal bird’s housing and Nesthe admired her work. The tiny wren stood on bent-fork feet in the palm of her hand, each tine sanded thin.

Nesthe smiled through tears of joy and pride and hard work. With trembling lips she whispered its activation phrase.

“Ilasu,” she said. “It’s time to wake up.”

The wren lifted its head and stretched its steel-feathered wings. It looked into Nesthe’s eyes and trilled.

Nesthe’s mother told her she should make new friends. With her mother’s memories in the tiny bird, she felt strong enough to try.


Addison Smith has blood made of cold brew and flesh made of chocolate. He spends most of his time writing about fish, birds, and cybernetics, often in combination. His fiction has appeared in Fantasy Magazine, Fireside Magazine, and Daily Science Fiction, among others, as well as here in Stupefying Stories, of course, most recently with the inexplicable fan favorite, “His Monstrous Cloaca.” You can find Addison on Twitter @AddisonCSmith.