“Anagram Ed” • by Ronald D. Ferguson


“How long to detonation?” 

“Seven minutes. Don’t ask again.”

“Can’t the AI stop the self-destruct countdown for our outpost? He started it.”

“I explained the situation to Ed; he began restructuring his memories looking for errors. Meanwhile, he accepts no input. Ed is computer catatonic.”

“Turn him off.”

“That won’t stop the countdown.”

“How did this happen?”

“Someone asked Ed a question about Shakespeare while he was learning anagrams.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Out damned spot” became “Ed, damn outpost.”



After years of teaching college mathematics, Ronald D. Ferguson decided that writing science fiction and fantasy full-time would be more fun. He lives with his wife and a rescue dog near the shadow of the Alamo. His last known appearance in our pages was “The Old Man and the C,” in the now out-of-print Stupefying Stories 19.



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Please don’t make me escalate to posting pictures of sad kittens and puppies…